I've always adorned little kids in pointy hats so I gave it a try. It is supposed to be made from wool felt but I felt that a softer material like fleece would be cozier on Piglet's head. The hat is too big on Piglet. The girl's always had a small head... should've remembered that. And my husband keeps laughing at the giant purple star so I keep looking at that too. Oh well, not too bad for first try. And it only took a morning to make. I think I'll make another one with a smaller and a more muted color star. And a few more for gifts...

A funny conversation took place today. I was watching Piglet play and asked her, out of nowhere, "what do you want to do when you grow up?" She immediately put down her toys, looked at me, paused for a moment, and with a serious face said "touch the ceiling." Then she went back to playing. I was dying. Then again, she's been talking about touching the ceiling when she gets big and tall like daddy for months.