These days I've been wondering if our next baby will be a fussy one like Piglet was. I certainly hope not. But I know some things that I didn't realize the first time... that even with a cranky baby, it's really not the end of the world! I will cherish the time with my baby because they do grow so fast. And because this will be most likely the last baby for us. There will come a time when I'll get to enjoy the things I used to. [Note to self: look back at this post in about 7 months!]
Still, I'm going to be taking advantage of the convenience of getting around with one kid in tow rather than two the next few months. Take today for example. I've been looking for inspiration/motivation to get back on the wagon with my shop and sewing for fun. Times like this I go to the fabric store. Piglet and I headed to the Alberta district where my favorite fabric store is located. Piglet loves fabric stores which is a blessing. She had fun looking at all the buttons while I carefully narrowed down my choices from so many beautiful fabrics. Then we headed a few blocks down to La Bonita for a freshly made taco salad. Yum! I have been craving Mexican ever since I got pregnant and I really do think this place is the best in Portland. We spent a few minutes at Grasshopper before heading back. On our way back, Piglet decided she wanted frozen yogurt. Okay, I asked her if she wanted some... We stopped at this latest frozen yogurt joint for a cup of strawberry yogurt with raspberry topping. We finally got home with two pints of frozen yogurt [my other pregnancy craving] to last me a couple more days.

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