Thursday, September 13, 2007

First day of preschool

Today was Piglet's first day of school. I woke up extra early to make sure we don't rush out the door at the last second but... it happened anyway. Barely got there on time. The last few days were very warm here but today was a different story. Very dreary and cold and even drizzling by the time we got to school.

I think it was pretty hard for her. She's been so excited about it for so long I thought she'd do just great but I heard she cried on and off throughout the day. Sniff... sniff... Although she was doing great when I picked her up, I've never seen her so happy to come home [especially to her favorite toy- pail and shovel]. She had a big lunch and took a 3 hour nap afterwards.

I also took a nap and then we went out to our favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner with daddy. So nice to have him back!

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