Saturday, September 8, 2007

A little budding artist

I'm not completely abandoning my blog... I have a ton of posts all conjured up... in my head. We had a great trip to Seattle [I'll post once I go through all the photos] and then I've been feeling a little out of sorts the rest of the week. My husband is out of town for many days longer than usual so I'm just trying to keep things run smoothly. Thankfully, Piglet's been taking l-o-n-g naps all week!

Piglet's starting school in less than a week. I can't believe it. But I really love everything about her preschool and her teachers are just awesome. She enjoyed the Open House so I'm keeping my hopes up for no crying on that first day.

Piglet's been spending all her time painting these days. And when she's not painting, she's asking for "painting movies" [various Blue's Clues episodes that involve painting or color mixing]. Of course I'm completely biased, but I love her creations. I loved the idea of framing children's artwork [can't remember whose blog I saw it on... oops] so I tried some myself. These are sitting in our entryway right now. I love how the 3 pieces go together so well.

By the way, I found the tote hanging in the middle at Claire's [Is that the name? I never go in but the this instantly caught my eye while walking by]. Love the print and only $12! I also got Piglet the animal backpack on the right from PBK. Neither of us love it but I didn't want her to be the only kid without a backpack.

Back to my little budding artist's work, a bunch more are awaiting to be displayed. All these paintings were done in 2 days. Love her use of colors here!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous paintings, and they look fabulous displayed.

(I really like the PBK backpack!!)

Anonymous said...

love her paintings! she has good sense of color combination.