But this week's been gorgeous. I felt guilty for having cool, fresh air to breathe as I thought of all my friends who are dealing with nasty smoke down in Southern California. I was glad to hear that much progress was made today. The past week I've kept busy trying to stock up the shop before the holiday shopping season. I had so many different product ideas in my head and had to take some time to think carefully so as to not lose focus. I've been really wanting to make some paper products so I may do that for the holidays if they turn out the way I envision them.
Anyway, Piglet's doing great in school. Her very first school pictures were ready today. As I looked for her envelope, I got that same feeling in my tummy as I did back in junior high/high school when my school pictures came out. You know the feeling of anticipation and hoping for no closed eyes or funky smile that meant retakes. I'm sure that's not even a concern these days with digital cameras and all, but still I was delighted by her big heartwarming smile. Wouldn't you agree?

And here is her lovely class picture. It is a mystery to me how they get seven 2-year-olds to look so composed!

I've also been doing more sewing projects. I was getting sick of the same ole summery green tote I've been carrying around all summer so I made this out of fabrics from Bolt. Once again, instructions were out of Amy Karol's book, and I just am so pleased with the way it turned out. I've actually been using it for a few weeks and it's holding up great too. I was sure a strap will fall out or something. I still can't believe I made it... it's very encouraging and I feel as if I can sew anything. Okay, not really...

A closeup of the fabric

I also made this little diaper pouch for carrying around diapers and wipes. I don't know why I never had this. It is such a good thing opening my bag and and not seeing a big diaper that's all scruffy on the outside from carrying around for so long. I love this fabric and the swirly detail on the button just can't be more perfect.