Thursday, July 19, 2007

Someone something anyone

Originally uploaded by sweetfuzzies
Today was just another ordinary summer day... until this evening, when Piglet started using the words someone, something, and anyone all at the same time. I don't recall her saying these words before.

A few conversations she had with me/herself:

Mama: "Piglet, where are you going?" [she was heading upstairs]
Piglet: "I'll be right back. I have to get something!

While pushing her shopping cart around, "someone needs to push the shopping cart!"

Talking to herself: "knock, knock, is anyone in the house?"

I just thought this was a pretty random and funny thing.

She cracks me up daily which is a huge blessing. Last night we were driving back from a new Korean restaurant in town [yummy enough for these ex-LA residents!] when she accidentally bonked me on the head with her toy bucket which she loves. She immediately looked down and declared, "it's okay, my bucket is okay!"

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