Fabric shopping. I was getting a little bored making plain clips [I bore easily...] so I was hoping to find some new fabric to incorporate into new designs. What I found instead are these gorgeous fabrics that inspire me to start sewing. These would look so cute on Piglet... Can I do it??

This one's my fave...

Speaking of sewing, I think I'm purchasing these books. I've taken lessons before so I don't think I'm completely clueless but I still need help. A lot of help. Both books have gotten great reviews and look like they have super cute projects that are supposed to be pretty easy. Can't wait!

Havin' some fun with new hair clips. Took me several tries to get the shape right but I like how they turned out. I was going for some punches of colors, can you tell? I'll be putting a few in the shop this week.

But the best news of all is that Piglet is almost back to normal. She's been sick with diarrhea for a week. Poor girl... Of course I got worried and took her to the doctors. And of course, they said to let it run its course, there's nothing they can do. Anyway, today her poop was normal again! Sounds insane to rejoice over poop but I really was thrilled. I was starting to feel sorry for our washing machine... I said to Piglet, "Yay, no more diarrhea!" to which replied, "Bye-bye diarrhea! See you soon!"

Ugh poor thing. I think ours was actually food poisoning. My 3yr old did not get sick, and she did not eat jack in the Box...SOOOOOOO food poisoning? We are much better today. Love your fabric choices! Yes you can do it! I have some excellent tutorials saved so if you are looking for anything particular let me know. The new clippies rock.
the hair clips are so cute.
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