Maybe it's not so obvious yet, but I LOVE felt. I'm constantly wondering what everyday items can be made with felt. I love this cherry blossoms felt cake. The cake base and the little decorations are all made from felt so they stick. Endless hours of fun for your little chef, I tell ya. I've been seeing a lot of play foods made from felt, but this one takes the cake. LOL.

Reversible bustle skirt. Not exactly sure how it works but I love the apron-like top layer and all the ruffles underneath.

Another gorgeous apron dress.

And another bustle dress... I wish they made this one in my size. Then again, it may not be so flattering for my big butt. In any case, ack, this whole store is just drool-worthy.

All this bustle talk reminds me of my wedding dress. Oh how I miss you, my bustle dress....

Cute Cute Cute!
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