Thursday, August 9, 2007

I've been tagged

by georganne

Here's my 6 weird things ::

1. I usually read magazines from back to front.
2. I love spicy foods. I used to put Tabasco on everything but now that I have Piglet, my cooking is much milder. I'm sure once she grows up my food will get more spicy again.
3. Speaking of cooking, I either love doing it or hate it. No middle ground for me. I'll cook up a storm for a few days in a row and then stop completely for the next couple of days. Good thing my husband can cook.
4. I hate the color purple. And of course, it is Piglet's favorite color...
5. I'm a fan of figure skating [watching, not doing it myself].
6. I had a really easy pregnancy and delivery with Piglet. In fact, right after I gave birth I said "I can do that again tomorrow!" [I shouldn't really write this because now we're planning for #2, and it's gonna come back to bite me.]

Now my turn to tag....

Runaway quilter


Painted for you

The stitching barn



Can't wait to read their 6 weird things!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

lol, I didn't even know what "tagging " is until you stopped by my blog. what a fun game, thanks! :-)