Sunday we picked up a beach tent for our upcoming trip to Hawaii next month. It is huge and set up in our empty dining room right now. Piglet loves tents but this is more like a room for her. Ended the night with this movie which was rather pretty bad. And I usually like anything chick flick-y.
This morning I picked up a sewing machine from Costco. Woo hoo! I had a $35 off coupon so I just went for it. I'm convinced that the longer you stay there to browse the more money you end up spending. This frequently happens to me at Target also. Things I don't really need made their way into the shopping cart.

A little conversation with Piglet over lunch:
Me: What kind of food do you like, Piglet? I like spicy food.
Piglet: I like yummy food!
Me: Oh yummy food, like what?
Piglet: Apple pie and lemonade!
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